All historical periods are well represented in town. Important roman remains can be found near the town old walls in the area known as FAT – the former tobacco factory. Recent building works have brought to light a roman structure, probably an amphitheatre. Portions of a mosaics have been found on another building site and these confirm the writings of Pliny the Younger (1st and 2nd century A.D.).
Medieval ages is mainly represented by San Domenico’s monastery, magnificent church and cloister. Beata Margherita is linked to this fourteenth century church. She was well-known for working miracles and is still venerated by local people. Her body has been preserved and is now visible in the church of San Domenico.
A fine example of Renaissance architecture is Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera, home to the “Pinacoteca Comunale” – Municipal Art Gallery. It was built between 1521 and 1545 and the oldest part is in the central section of the building. Other four parts were added later. The Florentine style influence can clearly be seen because Vitelli family was in close contact with Florence. The Palace external walls show graffiti drawn by Vasari and carried out by Cristofano Gherardi, known as il Doceno, in 1532.
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