Mix the zest of half a lemon with flour. Briskly beat the eggs, sugar and salt, adding the flour and then knead
into a dough and put in the Mistrà (a traditional Italian liquor with anise). Soften the dough by adding oil
and melted butter. Then finish the mixture by adding the yeast and knead for twenty minutes. Cover the
dough and let it prove for about two hours. Fry in hot oil on a medium heat. Drizzle with honey or Alchermes,
a traditional Italian liquor for cakes.
8 eggs, 800 g flour, 8 teaspoons sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 40 g warm butter, 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, ½ lemon zest,
1 cup anisette, 2 packets of yeast.