Sauté in a pan, with five tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, finely chopped herbs, an onion, chopped pieces
of bacon and a few sage leaves. As soon as the onion begins to soften, add the cut pieces of liver, heart
and giblets from the goose and cook for a few minutes with a half a glass of red wine. When the wine has
evaporated, add deseeded tomatoes and salt and pepper to taste. Cover and allow to simmer for about an
hour. De-bone the pieces of goose, coarsely chop the remaining pieces of liver, heart and giblets and pour
everything into a casserole dish. Put it back on the heat for about 15 minutes, adding, if necessary, a little
stock. Serve tagliatelle with the goose sauce and some grated cheese.
400g of handmade tagliatelle,
half of a goose with chicken liver, heart and giblets,
50 g bacon, 1 piece of veal,
400 g ripe tomatoes,
1 onion, 1 carrot,
1 celery stalk, sage, 1 garlic clove,
red wine, grated cheese,
5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil,
salt and pepper